Archive 6
BIRTHDAY TO JOAQUIN, who is turning 27 today
ASome things you can buy from EBAY
BACKWARDS: The Riddle of Dyslexia
Telepic Summary:
Running Time: 32 min
A *very* early and difficult-to-find piece starring River Phoenix and Joaquin "Leaf" Phoenix with no commercials.
River's about 12 and Joaquin's around 7.
You only have like 2 hours and a bit left to bid on this item though
25-10- (Thanks Marissa :)) A Newspaper called "BT"
About the movie "It's All About Love": Sean Penn's character will be Joaquin's brother and he will be a pilot, that from his plane will communicate with his brother
24-10-Big thanks Marissa for tranlating and sending this :)
The Danish newspaper Ekstra Bladet
Vinterberg gets Sean Penn.
The film director is extremely excited that Sean Penn has agreed to be in his
new movie “ It is all about love.” With Sean Penn in a big subordinate
part and Joaquin Phoenix and Claire Danes in the leading roles Thomas
Vinterberg has made a hat-trick with three famous movie stars. Sean Penn will
have the part as a man whose destiny is to be on an air plane on constant
travel around the earth. “ Sean Penn is an actor that I admire a lot, and
that is why I am extremely happy that he said yes to be in my movie” Thomas
Vinterberg says. Thomas Vinterberg has finished most of the shootings to “It
is all about love” except the scenes with Sean Penn that will be shot in
Vancouver, Canada very soon !
The shootings with Sean Penn can be done separately since he is in no physical
contact with the main characters.” He is on the plane all the time but is
still connected to the two lovers John and Elena “says Line Greisen, the
information boss for Nimbus Film. The film will be out in the early part of
the summer 2002 !
21-10-Some photos from Toronto Filmfestival made by Alison, very big thanks for Alison for sending these photos to us, you can see them here
18-10-Signs - Joaquin Phoenix kept a low profile being spotted slipping out of a trailer and into a black van at one point (Thanks to Marissa for this :))
A Some pictures from the Toronto Filmfestival from Tiziana, they are great :) you can see them here on the messageforum
13-10-Marissa translated the article, very big thanks Marissa :) :) :) :)
Boyfriend with a Hollywood Star.
The model Inger Lise Ebeltoft (25) is in love. Since the summer she has been the
girlfriend and living with the Hollywood star Joaquin Phoenix (26).
The girl from Tromsø has already a long model career behind her - both in
Milan, Paris, London and now New York. Joaquin Phoenix have had a lot of roles
in movies and TV series. The big breakthrough came last year - in the part of
Emperor Commodus in the movie Gladiator. For that performance he was oscar
He contacted her.
"Yes I can confirm that Joaquin and I are dating. We met each other at a
party at mutual friends. During the evening a friend came and told me to come
with her. She said that someone wanted to meet me." Inger Lise says she was
very surprised when she stood face to face with the Hollywood star. After we had
been talking for a while, Joaquin said he wanted to meet me again - as he said -
to go for a walk in Central Park. After a day I dialed his number and we met in
a coffee shop the same afternoon. Since then it has been him and me" she
says. The first weeks the couple was together a lot. After the terror attack
against World Trade Center, which Inger Lise lived very close to, she moved in
with her new friend ! " He is an amazing person, very caring and nice. I
don’t know how things would have been if I did not have had Joaquin to lean
on." Inger Lise’s apartment was very close to the World Trade Center, it
is still closed and it is impossible to be there.
How did you see Joaquin before you met ?
Inger Lise : " To say it straight out, there were many actors I liked
better. One of my favorites is Brad Pitt - a choice I am sure I am not alone to
Help each other.
Inger Lise also tells that she consciously has avoided relationships with
celebrities and movie stars. " Our paths cross very often, and many have
contacted me without me making a big deal out of it" says the down to earth
Tromsø girl!
But she has to admit that Joaquin then must have been an exception !
Inger Lise says that she feels very comfortable with Joaquin’s friends. But
she does not want to give any names !
"Joaquin and I have found the melody and thrives in each others company,
and even though the surroundings around us and everybody else in New York is
chaotic at the moment, we help and support each other !
On the question on what mother, Sissel Ebeltoft, says about the new boyfriend,
Inger Lise says from her bed in New York " She has not said much about the
relationship but she rather wants me to be back home in secure and safe Tromsø."
11-10-Apparently model Inger Lise Ebeltoft from Norway is dating Joaquin
If anyone can translate this :) you always can send it to me :) thanks already