01-03-I've been trying to upload this page forever :lol, there was something wrong with Tripod. So finally I can upload the news again woohoo
A``AURORA ISLAND.'' Oscar-winner Kim Basinger (``L.A. Confidential''), Joaquin Phoenix (``Gladiator'') and Mandy Moore (``The Princess Diaries,'' ``A Walk to Remember'') star in this sensual and provocative romantic drama about a handsome drifter in a Southern coastal resort who becomes involved with a mother and her daughter. The romantic triangle leads to a surprising conclusion as the young man's secret motive has explosive consequences. Directed by Martha Coolidge (``Rambling Rose,'' ``Lost in Yonkers'') and produced by Steve Perry (``Undisputed,'' ``Lethal Weapon 2,'' ``3'' and ``4,'' ``Speed 2,'' ``Die Hard 2''). February 21, 2003 release.
27-02-Joaquin is in is spotted twice in US Weekly, gonna look for that tomorrow in the store.
ANew Joaquin Movie called Aurora or Aurora Island
As for 2003, it will bow "Tales Not Told," a thriller that marks the directorial debut of veteran producer Debra Hill on Jan. 10. Feb. 21 brings "Aurora," a Martha Coolidge-directed drama starring Basinger, Joaquin Phoenix and Mandy Moore, about a handsome drifter who becomes involved with a mother and daughter in a Southern coastal resort.
APremiere bows with star-heavy 10-picture slate Read here the whole story
Premiere expects to release six films during its first year and about 12 a year thereafter. Release dates have been set for two other titles announced Tuesday: "Tales Not Told," the directorial debut of writer-producer Debra Hill, is set for a Jan. 10 release, and "Aurora Island," directed by Martha Coolidge and starring Basinger, Phoenix and Mandy Moore, is expected to open Feb. 21.
20-02-On EBAY you can buy a River Movie called Tragedy, apparently a rare movie
The Storie
of two troubled teens secretly make a suicide pact. For Lonnie (Ringwald) and
Rick (River Phoenix) it's summer, they're rich and beautiful, with plenty of
time (and passion) on their hands. Only it starts to unravel as they see the
reality in the dysfunction of their families. Dad's cheating and too much
parental control start to take their toll. But TRAGEDY is just around the corner
when the two powerful families decide to break up the kid's bittersweet romance.
Starring Mollly Ringwald, River Phoenix, Paul Sorvino, Ellen Burstyn and Marsha
11-02-News from Ny Post
Januari 24 2002 Dirty Minded The porn industry has long made money from take-offs on hit movies, with titles like "Star Trek: The Next Penetration" and "Saving Ryan's Privates". but it is a lesson from Joaquin Phoenix, who's starring in "Buffalo Soldiers" due out this summer. Phoenix is "a genius at making up porn names for his movies," says "Buffalo Soldiers" producer James Schamus. "He's got a porn name for every single movie he's done."
Februari 4 2002 That's the word from Blockbuster Video, which surveyed 1,000 of its customers as to which favorite fight
Fans' favorite fight scene was the duel between Russell Crowe and Joaquin Phoenix in "Gladiator."
10-02-I have updated the site look at the update page
AThis is also from Motion Picture Club luncheon at the Marriott Marquis Hotel
Producer Doug Wick, who proved he was no slacker in 2001 with Spy Game and the Oscar winning Gladiator, accepted his Producer of the Year Award. Wick underscored his common roots with the guests in the Marriott Marquis Ballroom by enlightening the audience that he began in the business as booker for his parents' mom and pop theater. He also toasted Joaquin Phoenix, his evil Gladiator emperor, who was seated with his sister. Phoenix's sis just happens to be Casey Affleck's significant other.
AFrom here news from may 2001 though lol
Britain's commercial Channel 4, whose FilmFour movie division has turned out such moderate low-budget hits as Trainspotting, The Crying Game and Elizabeth, announced Tuesday that it is altering its strategy and will begin producing more expensive films featuring major British and American stars. Channel 4 CEO Michael Jackson said Tuesday that the company is launching 4 Ventures Limited to attract investors in the company's film business. He said that it has already signed Cate Blanchett, Billy Crudup, Andie MacDowell, Joaquin Phoenix, Ed Harris and Ian Holm for forthcoming projects, including the upcoming $22-million production of Charlotte Gray, based on the Sebastian Faulks novel and starring Blanchett and Crudup.
AFrom People Daily New
Art merged with technology Thursday night in Manhattan as Sony Electronics sponsored a special exhibit titled "Escape to the Art of WEGA." The event, highlighting new artists from New York and Chicago, featured paintings and video art displayed entirely on Sony TVs and attracted a Hollywood contingent that included Aidan Quinn, Richard Belzer, Casey Affleck, Richard Dreyfuss, Steve Buscemi, John Turturro, Summer Phoenix (sister of Joaquin and the late River) and radio personalities Stuttering John (who, interestingly, did not stutter once when he spoke to PEOPLE) and Dr. Ruth. Belzer, of NBC's "Law and Order: Special Victims Unit" told PEOPLE, "What's exciting about being alive today is that art and technology are finally coming together. It used to be almost sacrilegious to say the two in the same sentence. But it's about time they got married." As for what brought Stuttering John out for such a cultural event, he said, "Free beer and free food."